Simple Things - Zero 7 Standard Tuning (EADGBe) Play this song by plucking the bass note of the chord on the first beat, and plucking D,G,& B strings between the second and third beat of each measure. Listen to the song to the rhythm down. These chords also work for electric piano. The solos dance between the key of C minor the blues key of C. Cm Bº/G Ebmaj7 D7 Ebmaj7/Bb F/A 3 x 6 5 6 1 4 3 8 7 8 1 5 4 7 5 7 2 5 3 8 7 8 3 3 x 6 5 x 0 x 3 x x 6 x Intro Cm repeats rhythmically until verse Verse 1 Cm Ebmaj7 Bº/G Cm It's an easy ride to Rome Cm Ebmaj7 Bº/G Cm You'll never walk alone Cm Ebmaj7 Bº/G Cm Naturally we blew Cm Ebmaj7 D7 Bº/G Cm Simple things we say Chorus 1 Cm Ebmaj7/Bb F/A Bº/G Cm E - v'ry - day we'll find the way Cm x4 (repeats for a measure, transition back to verse) Verse 2 (same as verse 1) Seems like we've opened up the door Feels like we've walked this way before Naturally we blew Simple things, you say? Chorus repeats are the same chord progression, with lyrical changes Every day, you'll find the way In amazement Everyday